Sunday, 23 June 2013

Mind Gardens project

It seems too long since I have blogged but the poor weather has kept me busy struggling to forage food or persevere in the garden. The rainy cold days have allowed me to catch up on study and research and I came across a wonderful project called Mind Gardens I want to share , knowledge reigns supreme!

The mission of Mind Gardens is simple: every child should have access to healthy food. Healthy food nurtures the body and the mind, making access to nutritious food options a crucial part of helping communities to grow and thrive.Launched in Kingston, Jamaica in late 2012, Mind Gardens is a non-profit initiative with the goal of establishing sustainable, organic community gardens that will provide fresh fruits and vegetables to school aged children in the community. Check out the website and take the pledeg to support them:-

I've been waiting for this day when we can be inspired by projects like Mind Gardens to encourage communities to come back together and work together for healthy minds and bodies.Growing and eating our own vegetables and fruit gives many opportunities to share food, working partnerships and strength in our communities that can be replicated over and over and supports us in sustainable and economic futures.

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