Monday 22 August 2011

Figs & Things

I've been waiting for my figs to ripen all summer, just when I was giving up hope I noticed a couple blushing at me from the tree. Having the luxury of a fig tree is something that I appreciate isn't in everyones garden or neighbourhood. You could try taking a cutting from a friends tree, they arent difficult to grow and they can thrive in small spaces as they like restricted roots but plenty of sun. Alternatively, head to the market, if you go to supermarkets you won't get much change and they'll be plastic packed.
The following recipe can also be used with any other soft fruit such as peaches, plums or apricots so don't be dismayed if figs are hard to come by or too expensive.

Roasted figs & tofu

1. Slice your figs in half and lay on a pre-oiled baking tray, sliced side up. Drizzle over with oil, salt and pepper and place in an oven gas mark 6 for 10 mins.

2. Meanwhile take a small chunk of tofu and mash up until its the consistancy of cottage cheese. If tofu isnt at hand this works well equally with black eyed peas or cannelini beans from a can, and works out cheaper too!

4. Season your mashed tofu/beans with salt, herbs, garlic and black pepper and blend in a small touch of oil or vegan marg.

5. Remove your figs or other soft fruit from the oven and spoon over your mixture. Return to oven for another 5-10 mins.

6. Enjoy on crusty bread or as an addition to a vegan meze or with rice.

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