Reduced asparagus cannot be walked past in the store! Asparagus is so yummy even cats try to steal it from you, and reduced down to 50p a bunch my head was spinning in delight.
Having turned my back to light the oven I had to wrestle a few stalks back from Lola, which wasn't difficult as I had the advantage of thumbs. After washing and giving Lola a stern look I snapped off the woody ends leaving nice tender tips.
The next step was to make a rosemary drizzle; pouring oil, some salt and dried rosemary into a pestle and grinding away. After a few minutes I added about a teaspoon of sugar, a swish of white vinegar and a dash of soya milk and tahini. Mixed together thoroughly I sparingly drizzled over the asparagus tips.
Into the oven went the asparagus on gas mark 6 until tender and a little bit crispy.
I served over some fried mushrooms cooked with a bit of paprika and garlic and toast.
This is also a great starter on its own or with croutons or topping a jacket sweet potato with houmous.
A gourmet bargain supper, just missing the wine!
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Disclaimer: No animal's or asparagus tips were injured in the making of this supper